Homeless-Friendly Pledge
Northern Moor Medical Practice is proud as a surgery to have signed up to the ‘Homeless-friendly pledge’
We are committed to being a homeless-friendly organisation.
We Pledge to:
- Help meet the needs of homeless people
- Speak to homeless people with understanding and compassion
- Examine our policies and procedures to ensure that we are homeless friendly
- Train our staff to fully meet the needs of homeless people
- Work with our partners and encourage them to care for the homeless
- If appropriate, act as a hub for our community in their efforts to help the homeless
If you are affected by homelessness, please speak to a member of our Reception team to make an appointment to see/speak to one of our GPs
Please see further information below which may be of help to you:
Concerned for someone who may be sleeping rough?
Contact details for Local Council Support/Services
Personal Housing Plans – Factsheet
Applying as Homeless – Flowchart
Manchester City Council Homeless Information (Homeless people | Manchester City Council)
Wythenshawe Foodbank Locations (Locations | Wythenshawe Foodbank)
Street Support services (Street Support Network – Working together to tackle homelessness)