The Practice Nurse & Health care assistant offers:
- Babies & Children’s Immunisations
- (NEW) Coil / Implant Fittings and Removal
- Diabetic Checks
- Asthma/COPD Checks
- Pill Checks
- Teenage Sexual Health
- Family Planning Advice
- Smears
- Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Stop Smoking Advice
- Weight Diet Advice
- Heart Disease Checks and Prevention
- New Patient & NHS Health Check
Midwife led Ante-Natal clinics and
Well Baby Health Visitor clinics are now held at:
- Sandilands / Brooklands Childrens Centre, Wendover Rd (227 3550)
- Baguley Children’s Centre, Ackworth Drive (227 3477)
- Lyndene Road, Sharston (998 7280)
Please call for times
Your local hospital will also offers ante-natal and post-natal care.