Accessible Information Standard

It is a legal duty for NHS organisations, including GP Practices, to comply with NHS England’s Accessible Information Standard.

The standard ensures that patients, and where appropriate, parents/carers who have information or communication needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss receive information in formats they can understand – as well as appropriate support to help them communicate.

The Standard requires our Practice to do 5 things:

  1. Ask people if they have any information or communication needs and how we can meet these
  2. Record those needs clearly and in a set way
  3. Highlight/Flag the person’s file or notes so it is clear they have communication needs and how to meet these needs
  4. Share our knowledge of a person’s information or communication needs with other providers of NHS and adult social care services when we have consent or permission to do so
  5. Act – take steps to make sure people receive information that they can access and understand and that they are given communication support if they need it

There is more information on the NHS England Accessible Information Standard below

We have also included below some easy read health information (leaflets and videos) about common health conditions:

7 Steps to Equal Healthcare

Annual Health Check


Blood Pressure

Breast Screening



Domestic Abuse

FluProtect yourself from flu, have the flu vaccine

Having a Blood Test

Having a Smear Test

Let’s talk about Sex

‘Men’ Know about your Prostate


Mental Health
